On Farm Readiness Reviews and Food Safety Help

UConn Extension conducts On Farm Readiness Reviews (OFRRs) or informal food safety review farm visits for Connecticut farms.

An OFRR is a non-regulatory review of produce growing, harvesting and post-harvest activities, focusing on practices and procedures that reduce food safety risks. The review is educational in nature, not regulatory, helping farmers to apply the knowledge learned in the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training course with practical suggestions for implementation.  ​​​​​​​

The OFRR is free and voluntary for Connecticut farms.  The review offers an opportunity for farms to have a one-on-one personalized discussion and guidance with the intent of helping them to prepare for either an inspection or participation in the Connecticut CGAP program or both.

​​​​​​​Though it is preferred that OFRR participants attend a Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training course prior to an OFRR, it is not required.

UConn Extension produce safety personnel will also visit farms to conduct less formal food safety reviews, to help farmers identify food safety risks on their farms, and to help farmers identify policies and procedures that will help reduce food safety risks.  In addition, should a farm choose to write a food safety plan, UConn offers resources, assistance and a review of food safety plans at the request of any produce farmer.

To schedule an OFRR or other food safety visit, contact UConn Extension at 860-871-0776 or email indu.upadhyaya@uconn.edu .

picking blueberries in a field