
Farm worker training: A day in the life of a farm worker: Part l: Safe Harvesting Practices

This video offers farm worker training, by covering a day in the life of a farm worker, and safe harvesting practices.

Capacitación de Trabajadores Agrícolas – Prácticas de Cosecha Segura

Este video ofrece capacitación para trabajadores agrícolas, cubriendo un día en la vida de un trabajador agrícola y prácticas seguras de cosecha.

Farm worker training: A day in the life of a farm worker: Part II: Safe Post-harvest Practices

In part two of our food safety practices for agricultural operations training, Dr. Indu Upadhyaya explains safe post-harvest practices for farm workers.

Capacitación de trabajadores agrícolas | Prácticas seguras de poscosecha

En la segunda parte de nuestras prácticas de seguridad alimentaria para la capacitación en operaciones agrícolas, el Dr. Indu Upadhyaya explica las prácticas seguras posteriores a la cosecha para los trabajadores agrícolas.

gold award seal

The farm worker training videos received a silver award in the educational videos category from the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) in June 2023.

Best Practices for Cooking and Storing Meats

We explain the best practices for cooking and storing meats in your home kitchen.

Food Safety Webinar

Still Confused? Produce Safety Rule Explained

Farm Worker Training – Produce Safety Rule

Join Dr. Indu Upadhyaya, our Assistant Extension Educator for Food Safety, and Bruce Gresczyk Jr. of Gresczyk Farms in New Hartford for a question and answer session on the Produce Safety Rule and what it means for your agricultural operation.

Food Safety for Youth with Megan Davenport

Megan Davenport, a summer intern with UConn Extension, explains food safety for you and your family.